Madison County History and Genealogy

History and Genealogy

History of Madison County


In 1810, the population of Madison County was 1,603; 1820, 4,799; 1830,6,190; 1840,9,025; 1850,10,015; 1860,13,015; 1870,15,633; 1880, 20,129. The growth has been steady, and at no period since 1820 has the population doubled in ten years.

The following table gives the census of the county by townships and villages, for the years 1850, 1860 and 1870, as officially reported for those years:

Townships & Villages 1870 1860 1850
  Total Native Foreign White Colored White Colored White Colored
Canaan 729 695 34 724 5 713 8 683 2
   Amity 106 165 1 106 .... .... .... .... ....
Darby 988 900 88 965 23 823 20 551 ....
    Pleasant Valley 467 415 52 465 2 344 11 168 ....
Deer Creek 823 727 96 764 59 690 10 582 1
   La Fayette 143 132 11 142 1 112 .... 146 1
Fairfield 1210 1151 59 1199 11 1190 2 618 5
    California 112 110 2 112 .... .... .... 43 ....
Jefferson 1888 1717 171 1726 162 1412 20 1068 2
    Jefferson 577 497 80 549 28 .... .... .... ....
    West Jefferson .... .... .... .... .... 456 4 434 2
Monroe 463 413 50 441 22 355 13 403 ....
Oak Run 456 422 34 394 62 311 36 .... ....
Paint 955 855 100 937 18 768 2 .... ....
Pike 394 373 21 380 14 340 .... 423 ....
    Liverpool 67 66 1 67 .... .... .... .... ....
Pleasant 1330 1302 28 1291 39 1043 6 1183 1
    Mount Sterling 389 377 12 382 7 .... .... 118 ....
Range 1367 1263 104 1325 42 1234 41 973 15
Somerford 935 872 63 935 .... 835 13 755 ....
    Somerford .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 139 ....
    Tradersville 25 25 .... .... .... .... .... ....
Stokes 986 892 94 973 13 887 11 589 2
Union 3109 2767 402 2874 235 2138 94 2100 50
    London 2066 1737 329 1910 156 1044 68 502 12

In the last census, the reports do not designate the number of white, colored or foreign inhabitants, respectively, residing in the county, but include them all in the general population in each township, town or village. The census of 1880 gives Madison County the following population: Canaan Township, 896; Darby Township, including Plain City Village, 1,126; Plain City Village, 665; Deer Creek Township, 910; Fairfield Township, 1653; Jefferson Township, including Jefferson Village, 2,301; Jefferson Village, 729; Monroe Township, 650; Oak Run township, 613; Paint Township, 1,429; Pike Township, 548; Pleasant Township, including Mt. Sterling Village, 1,433; Mt. Sterling Village, 482; Range Township, including Midway Village, 1,884; Midway Village, 284; Somerford Township, including Somerford Village, 958; Somerford Village, 323; Stokes Township, including South Solon Village, 1,285; South Solon Village, 262; Union Township, including London Village, 4,443; London Village, 3,067.

The following is th enumber and value of domestic animals that were killed or died form disease during the past year:

Number Value
Sheep killed by dogs 686 $2699
Sheep injured by dogs 346 647
Sheep died from disease 1796 5466
Hogs died from disease 4587 23355
Cattle died from disease 185 6434
Horses died from disease 311 18481

The following crop statistics of Madison County for 1881 were furnished by the County Auditor, and are therefore official:

Productions Acres Bushels Acres Sown in 1882
Wheat 28035 480465 37414
Rye 202 3825 145
Buckwheat 10 130 ....
Oats 439 8103 339
Corn 53855 1870888 49478
Barley 47 1020 20
Flax 6 75 ....
Potatoes 369 11479 268
Sweet Potatoes 3 108
Tobacco 5 1382 ....
Orchards 1792 .... ....
Apples .... 28406 ....
Peaches .... 759 ....
Pears .... 301 ....
Cherries .... 74 ....
Plums .... 35 ....

Note.—Meadow (acres), 14,474; tons of hay, 14,406; clover (acres), 2,522; tons, 1,694; bushels of seed, 150; grapes (acres), 5½; pounds, 3,860; wine, gallons pressed, 55; sorghum (acres), 4; gallons manufactured, 291; bees, (hives), 561; pounds of honey, 2,584; eggs (dozens), 268,851; butter (pounds), 269,407; cheese (pounds), 150; wool (pounds), 376,259.

Cultivated lands 76,462
Pasture Lands 108,244
Timbered Lands 24,659
Lands lying waste 487
Total amount reported 209,852

The following is the number and value of stock, as well as other personal property, assessed in Madison County in 1882:

Number Value
Horses 7873 $504683
Cattle 21557 642126
Mules 265 18265
Sheep 79200 250688
Hogs 32704 175649
Carriages 2723 114413
Dogs 248 1666
Other personal property not in this list .... 389218
Watches 1076 22711
Pianos and organs 480 35395
Merchant's stock .... 303872
Broker Stock .... 82
Manufacturer's stock .... 53972
Moneys in possession or on deposit .... 590045
Value of all credits after deducting debts .... 1096988
Average value of property converted into non-taxable securities .... 3730
Bank and other corporation property .... 713525
Total value of taxable personal property, except per capita tax on dogs .... 4949716
Number of dogs at $1 each .... 2055

From the report of the Secretary of State for 1881, we gather the following information relative to Madison County:

1846 1853 1859 1870 1880
Total value of lands and buildings $2392900 4899518 5795915 8830598 8825725
Total value in cities, villages and towns 144068 287390 353695 903775 1317830
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Total value of all real property $2536968 5185911 6149610 9734373 10143555

Number of acres reported in Madison County 291942
Aggregate value of lands $8,353,769
Aggregate value of buildings 507,401
    Aggregate value of lands and buildings $8,861, 170
Aggregate value of lands per acre as equalized $28 50
Aggregate value of lands and buildings per acre as equalized 30 23
    Value of lots and lands in towns $488,593
    Value of buildings in towns 834,529
        Aggregate value in towns $1,323,122

The property exempt from taxation in Madison County, according to the report of 1881, is as follows:

Value of lands Value of buildings
Public Schools $6282 $122800
Churches 6575 77465
Public charitable institutions 3497 3800
Cemeteris, parks, etc. 11625 ....
All other property 5290 36040
______ ______
Total aggregate valuation of exempted property .... 273374

Statement showing the condition of funds at commencement of fiscal year September 1, 1881; also receipts and disbursements for the year ending September 1, 1882, and the condition of the funds at the close of the year September 1, 1882, as furnished by S. M. Prugh, Auditor of Madison County, Ohio

Name of fund Balance Sept 1, 1882 Overpaid Sept. 1, 1882 Receipts to Sept. 1, 1882 Payments to Sept. 1, 1882 Balance Sept. 1, 1882 Overpaid Sept. 1, 1882
State Fund .... .... $42238 68 $42238.68 .... ....
County Fund $860 49 .... 26889 69 36846 65 .... $9096 87
Bridge Fund 9434 72 .... 9930 39 29298 39 .... 9933 28
Infirmary Fund 6794 23 ... 9397 89 13449 46 2742 66 ....
Road Repair Fund 1664 85 .... 7276 39 3966 07 4975 17 ....
Wool Grower's Fund 1491 38 .... 1923 40 1926 90 1487 88 ....
Township Road Fund .... .... 10472 46 10472 46 .... ....
Township Fund .... .... 10321 03 10321 03 .... ....
School Fund .... .... 61297 92 61297 92 .... ....
Cemetery Fund .... .... 3147 49 3147 49 .... ....
Corporation Fund .... .... 19415 97 19415 97 .... ....
General Ditch Fund 127 09 6 69 436 97 237 95 259 42 ....
Duplicate Fund .... .... 185550 43 185550 43 .... .....
Refunder's 8 74 .... 275 67 291 04 .... 6 63
Sale Redemption .... .... 35 25 35 25 .... ....
Auctioneers .... .... 3 40 3 40 .... ....
Show License 150 00 .... 115 00 230 50 34 50 ....
Peddlers 27 90 .... .... 27 90 .... ....
Treasurer's Fees .... .... 2308 18 2308 18 .... ....
Teacher's Institute 2 12 .... 181 50 183 25 38 ....
Road Improv't Fund 1047 21 190 28 20702 38 5692 66 16075 23 208 28
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Balance in Treasury
  September 1, 1881
.... $21414 77 .... .... .... ....
Balance in Treasury
  September 1, 1882
.... .... .... .... .... $6333 18

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