Madison County Photo Album
Col. G. E. Ross, Editor & Proprietor of the London Times
The Official Paper of Madison County.
A live Weekly Journal, devoted to education, science, politics, local and general news. To the interests of farmers, mechanics, laborers and business men. The largest and best Journal published in Madison County, Ohio.
Subscription $2 per year, in advance.
COL. G.E. ROSS, Editor and Publisher.
Interior view of the Times Office.
The Madison Times Steam Job Printing Establishment.
Col. G.E. Ross, Proprietor.
All kinds of Plain and Fancy Book, Blank and Job Printing done promptly and in the best style. Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Circulars, Progammes, Posters, Sale Bills, etc., printed Plain or in colors.
The Times Office is fitted up with new presses, new type and new material, and is conducted by one of the best and most experienced Job Printers in the State.
All work guaranteed satisfactory. Prices reasonable.
From Atlas of Madison County by J.A. Caldwell, Condit, Ohio (1875)