Madison County History and Genealogy

History and Genealogy

Herman Carter and Belle Cardiff

London [Ohio] Times, vol. XV, no. 38, Fri 26 June 1885, p.3, c.3

CARTER-CARDIFF-- At the residence of the bridfe's parents in Packaway county, Ohio, at noon on Tuesday, June 9th, 1885, by Rev. P. B. Davis, Rev. Herman Carter and Miss Belle Cardiff.

About eighty friends of the contracting parties witnessed the ceremony and partook of the wedding feast. Hearty congratulations were extended and the happy bride and groom departed for Cincinnati on their wedding trip.-- The bride is the daughter of Mr. C. F. Cardiff, a wealthy farmer of Monroe township, Pickaway co., O., and a most estimable lady. -- The groom is pastor of the Darbyville M. E. Church, and is one of the most promising younf minisers in the Ohio Conference. He is well-known and highly respected in this community, and at Lafayette and Somerford where he was formerly stationed. May their lives always be full of joy, happiness and prosperity, is the wish of the Times

Submitted by David C. F. Davisson


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